The Edge xin gửi đến bạn một số ví dụ trong các topic của phần thi IELTS Speaking. Hy vọng có thể giúp được bạn trong phần thi đầy cam go. Bắt đầu nào!
Mục lục bài viết:
1. Áp dụng công thức A.R.E.A trong IELTS Speaking
Công thức A.R.E.A được hiểu là:
- A – Answer: Đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp cho câu hỏi.
- R – Reason: Đưa ra lý do cho câu trả lời.
- E – Example: Đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể cho câu trả lời.
- A – Alternatives: Tìm và đưa ra ý kiến phản bác cho câu hỏi.
Với mỗi phần chỉ cần giải quyết A.R.E là đủ, nếu cần thiết mới triển khai Alternatives. Với công thức này, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chinh phục được điểm cao trong bài thi nói IELTS Speaking.
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2. Các câu trả lời mẫu Part 1
Xem ngay các câu trả lời của IELTS Part 1.
Tell me about you. Do you work or are you a student?
Sample answer: At the moment, I am a freshman at Da Nang University of Economics, and I major in Business Administration. I could have chosen another department to apply, but as both of my parents are working as economic advisers at a big local corporation, so I think I can possibly ask them for help whenever I have any difficulty in studying.
Let’s talk about your plans for the future. What kind of career do you want to follow?
Sample answer: I want to be a logistics supervisor, which would mean finishing my degree in economics and joining a large retail company. I know it’s a challenge, but I think that my personal skills and efforts are well suited to that type of environment.
3. Các câu trả lời bài thi nói IELTS mẫu Part 2
A Holiday You Recently Had
I’d like to talk about a holiday that I took to the coast of England just two months ago. I went to a small village in a coastal region called Cornwall. It’s really well known for its dramatic coastal scenes, stunning landscape and also for its tasty food. I went with my parents who had never been to this area of England before. They’d always wanted to go but just never had the chance because of work commitments. Anyway, Cornwall is quite far from where we live so we decided what it would be better to fly there rather than take the car. The roads and traffic are notoriously bad in that part of England. On our arrival, when we first got to the village, we found our way to the cottage we had booked which overlooked the sea. I can’t tell you how gorgeous it was there. It was just lovely. The windows of my room overlooked a little harbour and I could see all the boats coming in and out and all the seagulls flying around.
We spent most of our holiday sightseeing. We visited all the local towns and villages and tried most of the local delicacies such as fresh crab and lobster. My father is a keen fisherman so he did a bit of fishing while my mother and I relaxed in little cafes somewhere just chatting with locals. It was so relaxing.
I think the thing I remember the most about the holiday was just how friendly and welcoming all the locals were. It felt like home from home. By the time we’d finished the two-week holiday, we had made loads of friends and I’m sure we’ll all keep in touch. If I ever get the chance to go back, I’d love to go and possibly stay longer, maybe for a few months. There’s still so much of the countryside that we didn’t explore, so there’ll still be plenty to see when we return.
4. Các mẫu câu trả lời Speaking IELTS Part 3
Do you think that young people should have detailed career plans?
=> Sample answer: In some ways, yes, this is fairly essential. For example, students should think about careers when they choose their exam courses, in addition to what interests them. But on the other hand, it’s difficult to have very precise plans at young age, because people and opportunities change rapidly. Overall, I would say that general intentions are useful, but highly detailed career plans are not really relevant.
How can schools prepare students for work?
=> Sample answer: There are several ways that schools can do this. To begin with, they can include examples of work and careers in their lessons, so if the subject is graphic design, students could study the career of a successful graphic designer, for example. Schools could also send their students on visits to laboratories, offices, factories or certain workplaces, so that the students can see and understand much more about how real workers do their jobs. Another efficient method they could use, for older students, is to organize more work experience or internship so that students actually try doing a real job for a few hours or days. I think that all these things together would certainly help to prepare young people for work.
Unemployment among young people is a major problem in many countries. Can you suggest any solutions?
=> Sample answer: Well, I suppose the main solution would be to improve education standards among the young people, by spending and investing more on schools and universities. This would help people find jobs, and hopefully the jobs would be better paid as well. Another step would be to encourage employers to hire more young employees, by subsidizing their salaries or offering tax breaks to make employing them more affordable. I also think that some countries could reduce unemployment benefits to young people, to stop them living on welfare instead of working. These things are difficult to do, and they might be rather unpopular, but I feel that they would certainly work
Why do some young people want to become teachers?
=> I believe the biggest reason is having serious aspirations to help children develop, by teaching them useful knowledge and skills. There is probably also a desire to share an interest in a specific subject, and to expand the knowledge of such subjects in society generally. For example, vocal teachers are very enthusiastic about music and vocal training, and they want more people to appreciate and develop their singing abilities. And finally, I think that for some people, there’s also a third reason, which is an urge to be a positive role model for youngsters.
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